Letter to Senator Lisa Murkowski: Thank you for voting to convict Trump

Dear Senator Murkowski,

Thank you for voting to convict Donald Trump over the singular Article of Impeachment: inciting an insurrection. The January 6 riot and attempt to disrupt our nation's free and fair Presidential election, and other similar attempts sure to follow, are serious threats to Homeland Security, and when most Republicans chose cowardice, you chose to stand for your nation, to stand above party lines, to stand with bravery.

I hope that going forward, you will continue to choose bravery. What that looks like to me, is choosing to confront climate change. Everything about our comfortable lives is dependent on fossil fuels, dependent on millions of years of organic life-energy accumulated in oil reserves, and as such, we need to produce oil, I get that. But I would like to see us, as a nation, get aggressive about developing renewable energy infrastructure, increasing energy efficiency in our cars and transportation systems, in our homes, in our workplaces, in our lives in general. I would like to see us use the fossil fuels we have left, wisely; put them to work developing a more sustainable society. Right now we are absolutely squandering the gift of fossil fuels, the gift that millions of years of organic life forms have given us. We need to be smarter than that. We need to be better than that. And we need people like you to lead the way, to call for change.

Your vote to convict Donald Trump is encouraging; it shows that you can think and vote for yourself, not just with your Party...the Grand Ol' Party...the Party of Cowardice. Please continue to prove to be an independent thinker.


Adam Babcock

Gratitude for Fossil Fuels and Beyond

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