17 Red States Want to Subvert the 2020 Presidential Election???


I read this story in Anchorage Daily News this morning: “Hundreds of GOP members sign onto Texas-led election lawsuit

The article details how several Republican Governors and Republican Attorney Generals are seeking to nullify the election results (by bringing a series of baseless election fraud claims before federal courts) from a select few states that Biden won to overthrow the election in Trump’s favor.

ADN sums it up perfectly here:

To be clear, there has been no evidence of widespread fraud and Trump has been seeking to subvert the will of the voters. Election law experts think the lawsuit will never last.

“The Supreme Court is not going to overturn the election in the Texas case, as the President has told them to do,” tweeted Rick Hasen, a law professor at the University of California, Irvine. “But we are in bad shape as a country that 17 states could support this shameful, anti-American filing” by Texas and its attorney general, Ken Paxton, he said.

Alaska just recently joined the bevy of states supporting this effort.

Let’s not mince words here: Trump is a wanna-be dictator and anyone who supports him is an enemy of the State, a direct threat to America and Democracy the world over. Governor Dunleavy just added his name to the list of treasonous actors.

We have entered a phase of society where there seems to be an “on-off” switch for people’s intelligence and reason. About half our nation has had their switch turned off by far-right propagandists, by the Rush Limbaugh’s and Koch brothers’ of the world. Somehow these millions of Americans don’t see what’s really happening here: the ultra-wealthy class is seeking to subjugate everybody else.

It starts with voter suppression - especially minority voter suppression - but it won’t end there. It will become a class war where it won’t matter if you’re white, all that will matter will be your financial portfolio, and if you’re not one of the top 1%’ers, you’ll be a financial slave - or worse - for life.

Let’s remember the profound quote by Martin Niemoller about the incremental method used by the Nazi’s to effect the Holocaust:

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

The interesting thing about Niemoller is that he was part of the ruling class who held anti-Semitic views early in life, and was a supporter of the Third Reich until it became apparent to him that it was the Nazi’s intention to create a dictatorship with Hitler at the head of the monster.

The same exact situation is developing in the United States of America right now…and Trump is the figurehead. Thank goodness Trump is such a buffoon, otherwise, this coup might stand a real chance of overthrowing our democracy. But as long as tens of millions of Americans are willing to support Trumpian politicians, the threat to America itself is very real.

Niemoller of course was forced to flee Germany and immigrated to the United States - a haven of freedom in those days. How ironic it is that we now lead the world in systematically destroying the freedoms that dozens of generations of Americans have fought to protect. Trump supporters may as well chant “Down with Democracy” and “Death to America”.

To further the irony, Trump supporters are very fond of waving the American flag - they don’t understand how they’re subverting it even as they wave it.

Many American servicemen and servicewomen are Trump supporters which begs the obvious question - how can you be willing to die and kill for your country, and yet vote to destroy it at the same time?

We live in a time of unanswerable questions and unfathomable ironies.

Perhaps all I can say to my fellow red state Americans is - wake up to the true threat to America - a propaganda machine hell-bent on keeping power in the hands of a select few, effectively rendering American social structure as nothing more than a modern version of a midieval feudal system of lords and serfs…and doing its best to destroy Democracy along the way.

Letter to Senator Lisa Murkowski: Thank you for voting to convict Trump

Letter to the Red States and all Global Warming Deniers: